Evil Eye: An amulet for protection.

CHARMS works, but what's underneath it? Nobody knows, but it depends what your heart desire.
Looking for a charm that protects you from an envy eye. Wear this amulet.

Light Blue: Color of the sky
 It symbolizes truth and therefore it provides direct protection against the evil eye.

It' is  believed that there are three types of evil eyes
The first are unconscious evil eyes. These harm people and things, without intending to. The second type intends to harm. The third one is unseen, hidden evil which is the most scared one.
It was believed that, this eye saw all the wickedness in the world and removed poverty and ignorance. When Horus opened its eyes the world was enlightened, when he closed, it became dark. From Egypt, the eye talisman had spread to the Mediterranean, the Middle East, and Europe. When anyone looks at what is excellent with an envious eye he fills the surrounding atmosphere with a pernicious quality, and transmits his own envenomed exhalations into whatever is nearest to him.
The bead reflects the evil intent back to the onlooker. It somewhat resembles an eye and it is said the typical blue color is a factor in protecting the user.

Hamza, the hand amulet

And the word Hamsa also spells khamsa and hamesh, meaning five fingers. In Jewish culture, this hamsa is called the Hand of Miriam; in Muslim culture, the hand of Fatima. The Fatima Amulet is called Kamsa in the Muslim world. It begins with the Arabic word and is considered to be the protection of the evil eye.

Why do I wear this Evil Eye and Hamsa bracelet? Aside, it gives me protection from other person's negative motives and intentions. It is added beauty, accessories and adornment. 
So, next time you see one, watch out your intentions, you might be envious for no reasons but, surely if will bounce back any negative or hurtful words you speak towards that person.
So, be careful with that stare especially if she's wearing the Evil's eye chakra on her wrist or neck.

For Invites and Collaborations 💌:
Send me an email at: natztrax_04@yahoo.com
IG: @seraphimblue44

A.K.A: Natalie R. Tugade
Author of Seraphimsnotes
Health & Lifestyle Blogger
Mommy Influencer



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