Taking Gifting to the Next Level

Celebrating the yuletide season is simply remembering the things that we are grateful for. Oftentimes, we enjoyed the festivity because of the flickering lights surrounding us, the cool breeze of the air and the warmth hug of our loved-ones.

But, we shouldn't forget we have Two Hands, one to help
YOURSELF and the Second to help OTHERS as well!!!

That is why we are all inviting you to buy a bear and give
some charity for orphanage kids. Be involved and
Share some of your blessings. Give charity for 
Merry SM Christmas.
Just log in: http://smcares.com.ph/newsevents/?p=993

Here are some 3 Questions, for the 
Taking Gifting to the Next Level!!!

1) What is your Christmas Wishlist for Yourself?

I'm kind of person who loves to buy gifts and give it to my loved-ones. Their smiles gives me joy & strength in Life. 
If I'm going to have a wishlist for myself.
First thing that I want to have is a LAPTOP so I could
Write more inspiring blog and share stories of my experiences/ 
Lessons I've learned in attending various events & workshops.
2nd, a DSLR Camera so, I can showcase my skills in terms of taking pictures and saving lifetime memories
 through beautiful images.
3rd,  various motivational and affirmation books for me
To keep my confidence and faith in God boosts in another
Level. To strive for goodness with gratitude and humility.

2) What are your Christmas gift ideas for 
your loved-ones this year?
Every year, when the clock strikes at 12midnight, we say a
Simple prayer to our dear creator and give thanks for all
The blessings he gave & ofcourse,to greet him a happy birthday.
Then, after,we ate. We all gather in our sala to give the gifts
For each other. That is why, I'm quite sad last yr bec. Its been 2yrs since my mom left us. 
We are just average family, gifts are not that elegant or 
Expensive.  One green dress/bag is enough for my sister.
One polo shirt for my brother, a pair of tennis shorts for dad,
A dress or perfume for my sister-in-law will be appreciated.
Cute piano toys for my niece and baby alive for cassiel 
will brings her so much joy.
However, to my special bheibeiko, bag/ shades or shoes
will be enough. For him, even without gifts as 
Long as we have each other. We have a Merry Christmas
Together. So, sweet, isn't it?

3) How do you plan to give back to others this Christmas? 
For all the people, ive spent with especially
The family i've stayed with, durng my work at the Airport,
While, im still staying at their boarding house in Pasay,
Even my room is small and the place is so hot,
 I felt their loved to me.
They treated me like a FAMILY, that is why,. 
I want to give them a Noche Buena Package, if God permits.
We shared laughters with her grandchildren, we've cried when her son died and we share encouragement to increase ones faith
And believe in ones capabilities to succeed. Her names is Tita 
Peth, a loving and responsible mom, she raise her kids alone
But, with her faith in God and perseverance, she managed it all.
She's like a mom to me, that is why I want to give her
Something special, an elegant shoes or dress will suit her taste.

I might not have the riches in the world. I'm just a simple employee who strives to be the best to encourage and motivate people that surrounds me. Even, I'm a newbie blogger that
Explore my skills and passion in writing. But, I believe
That only in Giving you found riches in your Heart & Spirit...

AND LOVED-ONES that gives me hapiness & strength to 
Face life everyday....




#Season of Gifting

Thanks for reading my blog!!!

Lovelots, Seraphimblue44

Follow me at my FB PAge: www.facebook.com/seraphimsnotes

IG & Twitter:@seraphimblue44



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